About Lesson
Raspberry Pi 4
The standard kit comes with 2GB version.
All Donkey car software run in this single board computer (SBC).
Robohat MM1
The Robohat MM1 is a controller board act as a PWM driver, provide on-board power to the Raspberry Pi and the ESC through voltage regulators.
It also features a on-board IMU and NeoPixel output that could be used in Donkey Car.
Electronic Speed Controller (ESC)
The electronic speed control is an electronic circuit that controls and regulates the speed of an electric motor. In our case, it receives the signal from the MM1 to control the speed of the car.
The camera installed is a a 5MP Omnivision 5647 Camera Module plugs directly into the CSI connector on the Raspberry Pi.
SD Card
The SD card bundled is a 16GB Class 10 High-speed SD Card. It is pre-installed with Raspbian buster with Donkey Car and other management software.